

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the age.” Amen. Matthew 28:19-20

I want to thank you for your time and planning of this week’s soccer camp. This has been a great outreach and awesome experience for the children. Many times this week my son, Jacob, has thanked God for the soccer camp. While he has learned skills and game strategies involving soccer, he has also daily shared with us the devotionals. He told me of this man with shoulder length hair and a beard (one of the coaches). He said it was like “playing soccer with Jesus – real cool”. I get tears every time I think of that “cool experience”. Jacob also told me that he is looking forward to the OBC basketball camp. I questioned there being a b-ball camp. To that he replied, “Well, they should because they make learning the sport all fun and games”. Thanks again for this ministry. May God richly bless you!”

From: A family who attended the Olathe Bible Church Soccer Camp

What a blessing your family has been to our family this week at soccer camp.
My two sons, Seth & David have enjoyed learning new soccer skills and also drawing closer to God through your family’s testimony.
Thank you for your time and especially for your heart in sharing God’s love!
May God bless you!
P.S. We will pray for you this week while you’re in New Jersey.
Sandy Tompkins

Hunjak Family & Coaches,
Thank you for sharing your talent and testimony with the children.  My kids have enjoyed the week; learning more about soccer and reinforcing the importance of a relationship with Christ.  You all have planted many seeds for Christ.
Thank you for putting Him first, for your organization this week, for sharing with us… May God continue to bless each of you.
The Dover Family 

Thank you so much for bringing your camp to our community, and sharing the Truth about Christ with them so openly and boldly.  Blessings upon you and your family.
The Markel’s

Thank you for having soccer camp.  It was my 1st and I had lots of fun! I hope to see you again.  We make a good team.  Thank you,
Rachel Adamski   3rd grade, New Jersey

I praise God for your love to Him, for your testimony and your love for the kids!
God bless you.    
The Villa Family

Thank you so much for working with us this last summer.  The soccer camp that you and your family organized was a tremendous blessing.  As you know your ministry helped bring joy to “At Risk” youths.  Ninety percent of our youth do not have a father living in the house.  Over 85% of the kids do not have a church home, and all of them are living far below the poverty line.
Many of these youths were deeply touched by the devotions that you shared with them.  I am confident that some of the youth made decisions regarding their life that will make a difference for eternity.
I was gratified to see how well the youth from Somalia responded to the ministry that came out of the soccer camp.  You were able to connect with them in a meaningful way.  Some of these youth, coming from a Muslim background, heard about Jesus’ love for the first time in their life.
You have been a blessing to our ministry, and we hope to partner with you again in the future.
God Bless,
Dr. Bruce McGregor
City Director

Contact Us

Victory Soccer Camp
PO Box 23761
Overland Park, KS 66283
e-mail: victory@victoryinsoccer.org